Website of Caves' stuff:

Welcome to my neocities! No, Caves is not my real name. It's my online nickname.

Favorite Things:

Games I come back to frequently:




Some older favorite games: (Not necessarily old; just stuff I don't frequently play and/or haven't played in a while:)
Games I need to complete:
(steam) Games I've completed:

Stuff I've been playing:

Peeps I watch:

I am a Patron of:

Have some links to my social stuffs:

You may also know me as:

Check out these peeps:

My worldbuilding I havent updated in a while:

Want me to add anything? Remind me to update this? Contact me for something or another? DM me on Discord! I'll get back to you within the week.

This site was last updated: 5/29/2024 (m/d/y)